Gulf Business Magazine’s covers our founder, Dariush Soudi

August 16, 2021

10 min read

ARENA is excited to announce Dariush Soudi’s cover story in Gulf Business Magazine. The Gulf Business Magazine cover delves into our founders unshakable confidence, even in the face of challenges.

“I arrived in Dubai with $750 in my pocket. So, the year before I was buying Ferraris with cash and credit cards. A year later, aged 44, all I had was $750. I arrived in Dubai just after Ramadan in September 2009. Before that everybody was talking about the success of Dubai, but after September, we had the global financial crisis. So people thought I was crazy moving into Dubai at that time to set up a business. The funny thing was that I didn’t even know what I was going to do. After I landed, I thought about what I’m good at. And I’m good at setting up businesses. So, I became a consultant. Before September 2009, everybody was making money and so they didn’t need a consultant. But as soon as the recession hit, people needed some support. So, what was a really bad time for everybody else was a good time for me,”

As Gulf Business Magazine shines a spotlight on Dariush Soudi, readers get a glimpse into the mind of a confident and forward-thinking entrepreneur. His journey from visionary to a prominent figure in Dubai’s business scene is a testament to the possibilities within the city’s dynamic environment.

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